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Uglydoll Ninja Batty Shogun

Regular price $140.00

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  • Artist created huggable plush UglyDolls are hip, huggable and not a bit ugly at all
  • UglyDolls enhance creativity in kids of all ages
  • UglyDolls are on a mission to relocate your snack foods to their tummies
  • UglyDolls remind us that we are all unique in our own special way
  • 7 x 2 x 12 inches

Batty Shogun always wondered why toys having nothing to do with Ninjas would add ninja
costumes to their line up. Just to look cool? Because Ninjas are rad? Well, Batty Shogun
thinks that's kinda "meh". See, when Batty Shogun flies around at night with his best pal
Ice-Bat, he does up the real dealio in an actual Ninja costume. No red flames, stripes or
other crazy decorations. No spelling Ninja with a Z" at the end. Just straight up stealth
mode. That's how he rolls. No sword though...those are sharp! Approximate 12 - 14 inches.